Guest Speaker at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy
Guest Speaker at Sutherland-Chan School of Massage Therapy
November 25th / 2022
I was invited to be a guest speaker to students at the Sutherland-Chan school of massage therapy.
( The school I went to ! So exciting )
I have been really looking forward to this for ages. Back when I was first asked. They reached out to me and asked if I could come in for a class and talk to the students. Basically do a lot of Q&A. If you know me, you already know I obviously said yes. If you don't know me, then I will just let you know that I love talking, I love sharing knowledge, I love education, I love massage, I love conversation, I love curiosity, and I love being around people. It was a no brainer.
I didn't have to prepare anything. Just bring myself, arrive on time, and ready for back and forth. I was also sharing time with another RMT. I thought it was a perfect match because we were opposites in everything in experience.
Me Other RMT
Female Male
1+ Years working 20+ Years working
Is on Social Media Can not be found online
Has private practice Prefers a clinic setting
I really enjoyed this because the students really got to see what it could be like right after you graduate and what it could be like after multiple decades in the industry.
Yea, I ended up talking the entire 3 hours. I enjoyed every minute. It was so awesome talking to all of the students and the teachers as well. A lot of back and forth. Really good questions. I also enjoyed sharing information with all of them. I understand you hear from your teachers about their experience but I find it to be valuable to have professionals from outside the school to come in and share. I also tried to share things that I was curious about or didn't even know could be a thing when I was in school. During the entire talk I also did my best to talk with no filter. Not that it was hard, I just made sure not to sugar coat anything. Regardless of the question, I tried to answer it to the best of my abilities, even if it wasn't exactly the greatest news. It is what it is and always best to know instead of being blind sided.
Doing this really re-awakened the desire to teach. I have always wanted to teach. I just haven't tried to yet because I still feel that I want more experience. If I am shaping new minds to what I am doing, I want to know that I know what I am doing first. I feel like you can understand this. Maybe in a year or two. But I really want to do. With more thought I am leaning towards supervising clinics and tutoring to see if I would enjoy that first. Baby steps.
Thanks Patrick !
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