Going for massage often?
Going for massages often? October 27th / 2022 Why has it been so long since I went for massage?! I really love getting a massage. I feel it's just me get swept away by working and doing activities and just not making the time to get one. It wasn't until my husband offered to massage my shoulders the other day. He was massaging them for maybe a couple minutes and I wanted to cry. Because it hurt? No. Because it felt so good. He isn't an RMT and yet even his massage felt like it was sent from the gods. Obviously I had to book myself a treatment ASAP. Yesterday I had my first massage in 2 months and it was heaven. I can't lie, there was definitely some tender and sore areas that required a much lighter touch haha. My shoulders really needed some work and some love. But it felt so so good. When I got off the table I felt wobbly. A good wobbly. A " I just got all of my tissue worked on in the best way possible " wobbly. My body just wanted to continue laying on t...